Friday, June 15, 2012


So I decided to try blogging again..... I think the last blog I attempted had, maybe 3 posts??  Hopefully I will be more successful with this one :)

If you are wondering about the title of my blog, then obviously you have never been to summer camp!  Rigabamboo is in the famous song "Princess Pat" (one of my top 5 favorite camp songs). I have listed the lyrics below for those who are unfamiliar!

"The Princess Pat, Lived in a tree, She sailed across, The seven seas, She sailed across, The Channel Two, And she took with her, A Rigabamboo.

A Rigabamboo, Now what is that? It's something made, By the Princess Pat, It's red and gold, And purple too, That's why it's called, A Rigabamboo. 

Now Captain Jack, Had a mighty fine crew, He sailed across, The Channel Two, But his ship sank, And yours will too, If you don't take, A Rigabamboo. 

A Rigabamboo, Now what is that? It's something made, By the Princess Pat, It's red and gold, And purple too, Thats why it's called, A Rigabamboo."

I figured if the Rigabamboo could help The Princess Pat sail around the world successfully, then I could use one to help sail through life.    I know there will be big changes and events happening in the next few years of my life, and I felt that a blog would be 1) the best way for me to track these things, but 2) to keep all my friends and family updated as well!

With that said, I will leave you with a picture of crazy people singing crazy camp songs :)

(I wish I had a picture of people singing The Princess Pat...but us singing A-Roosta-Cha will have to work)

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